Bible Correspondence Courses (2002)

FamilyNet provides, free of charge, Bible Correspondence Courses. If interested, please fill out enrollment form (Click Enroll Button). Multiple students are welcome, a separate form should be filled out for each student.

Color Codes: Red indicates a decrease from previous quarter (or year in Totals)

Green indicates an increase from previous quarter (or year in Totals)

2002 Statistics

    Lessons sent out Prison inmates enrolled Bibles Sent Out Certificates Issued Salvation Decisions Total Active Students
  First Quarter 522 19 1 17 2 104
  Sec. Quarter 653 36 2 39 0 140
  Third Quarter 713 33 3 33 0 172
  Fourth Quarter 585 45 8 24 6 103
  Totals 2473 45 14 113 8 103

Lessons are sent out at No Charge to the participants. If you would like to have a part in our salvation / prison / Bible / teaching ministry, your tax deductible gift (US 501 (c)(3))  would be greatly appreciated! You can donate securely online with PayPal

Make checks payable to:

FamilyNet International Inc.

P.O. Box 451951

Garland, Texas 75045

(214) 257-0229